International Journal of Science and Engineering

International Journal of Science and EngineeringJan-June 2023 Vol:2 Issue:1

A Study of Independent Component Analysis in Neural Networks


In this Paper, study on Independent Component Analysis (ICA) with ConvolutionalNeural Networks (CNNs). ICA is employed to extract statistically independent features from facial images, which are then used as inputs for a deep CNN architecture. ICA is a powerful statistical technique used in various fields, including signal processing and computer vision. Experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of this fusion approach compared to traditional methods. This paper discusses the implications of this methodology for real-world applications and its potential to transform the field of computer vision.


Raghvendra Singh   ( Pages 11-20 )
Affiliation:School of Sciences, UP Rajarshi Tandon Open University Prayagraj, UP, India       DOI:


ICA, Convolutional, CNN


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